Your devices will automatically download the latest client version when connected to the internet.
Feature Updates :
- Enabled management for Profiles, Categories, and Resources in ClassVR
- Formatted user invitation emails
- Exclude Eduverse360 images from general search results
- Enable back button navigation in ClassVR Player
- Browse into "Shared Playlist" to see individual tracks
- Browse into Eduverse 360 tracks to see descriptions
- 3D model previews in ClassVR Player
- Faster default organisation selection for users with large numbers of orgs
- Initial content discovery improvements (codename EdFlix)
- Teacher notes available during playback in ClassVR Player
- Legacy Network Mode available for HTTP communication
Bug Fixes :
- Fix for video jumping back to start on pause and play
- Fix for ClassView Static Images
Note: For further assistance or guidance please contact the Avantis Support Team.