ClassVR Client :
ClassVR Hardware: CVR-155, CVR-155A, CVR-155A1, CV255
Release Date: 28.04.2021
Your devices will automatically download the latest client version when connected to the internet.
Feature Updates :
- Synchronisation support for ThingLink content
The ClassVR Portal does not report the total size for ThingLink experiences with linked resources.
Please refer to the ThingLink Knowledgebase here for information on using with ClassVR.
Bug Fixes :
- Minor bug fixes
Actions for Users :
- Existing ThingLink experiences may impact available storage on the ClassVR headset.
- The ThingLink update is recursive, meaning that any existing experiences on the headset will download and cache all linked content relevant for that experience. If you have multiple ThingLink experiences currently on the Headsets this may impact available space. Please refer to this article on managing the cache on your headset.
Note: For further assistance or guidance please contact the Avantis Support Team.